Liveblogging LOHAS – Megatrends with Patricia Aburdene

Patricia Aburdene is the author of Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism.

According to Aburdene, "conscious capitalism" the predominant trend to watch in the coming years.  (In contrast to what she calls "unconscious capitalism" as defined as Friedman’s statement "the social responsibility of business is to increase profits.")

Three ways to run a company to meet these trends correctly:

  • Values –work harder to link the values you stand for with your product
  • Standards — Eductate the customer to differentiate between diluted standards, and the higher standards that you embrace.
  • Authenticity — Walk the talk.  The customer needs to know that the way that the business is run is aligned with the same values that show up in the marketing of the product.

More here.