That’s “Mr. Inc” To You, Pal

I thought I’d share part of an email solicitation I received today from destinationCRM.

If the incongruity of the “do as we say, not as we do” wasn’t so depressing, it’d be really, really funny.

(NOTE: The letter has been edited for space.)

Dear Inc,

In an effort to keep our online directory as accurate as possible, all listings older that 1/1/05 will be rendered inactive.

Why is this important? Because our directory database is integrated throughout all editorial content on our site.

Act now and have your online status upgraded to “Premium Partner” immediately

For information about this Buyers Guide offer, please call or email me at your convenience.

To have yourself or your public relations professional placed on our editor’s advance editorial email update list, just reply to me with full contact information.

If you are interested in any of the above opportunities, please contact me as soon as possible.

Thanks for your time.

Warm Regards,

[name redacted]
CRM Media, LLC

::shakes head::

(disclosure: I’ve written for DestinationCRM in the past.)

2 Replies to “That’s “Mr. Inc” To You, Pal”

  1. Chris

    Reminds me about a similar snafu by Siebel.

    The invited a (Head of CRM) client of mine to one of their beanos in Germany. Unfortunately, although they got his name right, they got the part of the automotive company where he works wrong. If that wasn’t bad enough, the same mailing also contained an identical invite to the same beano , again with the right name, but this time addressed to a competitor automotive company, but at his automotive company’s address.

    Needless to say, Siebel’s lack of basic mailing housekeeping resulted in them being placed on a CRM vendor black-list. Where they still sit today some years later.

    Graham Hill
    Independent CRM Consultant

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