Customers Don’t Just Want “Choice”

A gem that was nearly obfuscated by George Gilder’s rantings yesterday.

“The concept that you can be successful by pushing things on the customer is doomed. The user becomes the producer.”

The Long Tail is the embodiment of “life after television.” Customers don’t want choice…they want their FIRST choice. A first choice culture is superior to a multiple choice culture, or a least-common-denominator culture (like television).

“TV stultifies its viewers, and kills itself. Book culture, and blog culture, can reproduce itself.”

When he’s not talking utter crazy-talk, he’s spot-on.

2 Replies to “Customers Don’t Just Want “Choice””

  1. Building a First Choice Culture

    Continuing on from my ongoing discussion about the fact that the balance of power in a business relationship is shirting towards the customer

  2. Building a First Choice Culture

    Continuing on from my ongoing discussion about the fact that the balance of power in a business relationship is shirting towards the customer

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