SugarCRM Lures Open-Source Developers With Cash

The folks over at SugarCRM are hosting a contest to incent developers to make further extensions to their open-source CRM platform. According to the story in NewsForge, the project is offering:

  • $500 for the best theme template
  • $1,000 for the best business and productivity module
  • $1,000 for the most innovative module.

As SugarCRM battles it out with (which recently launched AppExchange with much hoo-ha), these kinds of activities are a great incentive to enable the community to extend the offerings and tailor them to their own needs. (Sugar currently claims nearly 2,000 developers, up from 900 just month in September, 2005.)

Video iPod Released

Video iPod just announced.


  • 30 frames per second
  • TV out
  • 30GB and 60GB models
  • 30G up to 75 hours of video, $299
  • 60G up to 150 hours video, $399
  • Shipping in one week

(source: Engadget)

iTunes will sell music videos, $1.99 per.

The very interesting part…iTunes also will be selling TV shows, commercial free, for $1.99 per. The shows will be available on iTunes the day after they are broadcast over-the-air. Not a rental, the show will be owned by the purchaser.

Who should gulp? NetFlix.

Now, let’s take this to the logical conclusion…[warning-speculation!] within three months, Apple enables podcast feeds for the shows, by subscription, for a fixed-price per month (let’s say, I dunno, $14.99 or $19.99 a month) for all-the-shows you can drink. You subscribe to the shows’ podcasts via iTunes. They get automagically downloaded to your iPod the day after they air.

Wait a minute. Let’s look at the specs. The iPod has a TV out connection.

Who should gulp? Not just TiVo, but also the cable companies. They may both have just been disintermediated.

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A Contrarian View Of The Web 2.0 Conference

“[It was] kind of like Nixon in ’68. Or an REO Speedwagon reunion tour. Gives you a bit of an uneasy feeling….People who had been taking cover in bunkers for five years showed up. Hey, there’s Joe Kraus! He co-founded Internet search company Excite — since defunct — in the 1990s and is back with a new company called JotSpot. Hey, there’s onetime analyst Henry Blodgett! He was banned from Wall Street for hyping Web stocks and now writes a blog.

Everyone half-expected the sock puppet to wander through, checking e-mail on its BlackBerry.”

Kevin Maney puts together his thoughts on the Web 2.0 conference that was here in San Francisco last week. Heh.

(Suggestion: Engage Coffee/Monitor Splash Shield&reg before clicking on the above link… )

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Book Review #1: All Marketers Are Liars

Update Nov 2009: Seth changed the name of the book.

A story is a vehicle to characterize the essence of an occasion, a way to give context to an emotion, a way to capture and enhance a fleeting feeling. With a story one can, hopefully, communicate the spirit of a moment in time so fully and wonderfully that individuals who weren’t “there” can themselves share in the aspects of an experience and understand the core of the emotions that the originator felt when the actual experience occurred.

I love telling stories. Why? To build community. Stories about real occasions, real places, real friends are the fibers that knit themselves together and bind small, intimate groups. The shared histories. The lore. The remembrances of the silly things we did that our best friends will never, ever let us live down.

Over the weekend, I got an email from some friends who were hosting a dinner at an art studio and café that’s right on the ocean here in Half Moon Bay. “Show up any time after 5:30; we’ll be serving until 7:30 or so,” the note said. I pulled up about six, just as the sun was hanging brilliantly orange and precarious over the water. The room was impossibly small, maybe 14 feet square, with about a dozen strangers dining at two rectangular tables. The café’s weathered wooden walls, the outside covered with corrugated plastic, overlooked acres of open space and the Pacific. It looked a bit like a cabin from a summer camp from years long past. It’s a comfortable, well-worn place, an anachronism.

Not knowing anyone in the room, and seeing my friends via the pass-through, I walked around and snuck into the kitchen (hey, no one knows me here) to say “hi.” We chatted for a bit, got caught up (they’re thinking about building a new house). I was informed that if I was hungry, I should eat sooner rather than later, as they were likely to run out of food. I grabbed a plate (fresh-made veggie lasagna and a bit of salad made with lettuce picked five-minutes-ago in the community garden across the dirt driveway), ducked outside, and back into the main room. With much shuffling, place was made for me at the far table, with smiles and introductions around.

The next two hours magically flew. The sun crashed into the ocean, candles were lit, and the room warmed with yellow-orange candlelight and laughter-filled conversation between strangers-turned-friends. Pears with a hint of delicate maple syrup arrived. Wine flowed. Heaven.

Finally, tearing myself away (we had just finished a riotous discussion of the theological merits of pastafarianism), I said a hug-filled goodbye to my new friends, and stood up to leave. I then realized there wasn’t a check; there wasn’t a bill. There was a chalkboard by the screen door with prices on it, next to a hand-lettered wooden box that said “Donations.” I calculated my tab, added a few bucks on for good measure, dropped in a few bills, and said goodnight. It was a wonderful experience, one I hope to repeat many times.

In All Marketers Are Liars, Seth Godin tells us on Page One:

“This is a whole new way of doing business. It’s a fundamental shift in the paradigm of how ideas spread. Either you’re going to tell stories that spread, or you will become irrelevant.” (p.1 , EH)

Except…it’s not. The (ahem) earth-shattering “story” concept is, at most, an attempt to do a little spruce-up on the concept of the “experience economy” as outlined by Pine and Gilmore almost a decade ago. Yes, there are a few dollops of good common sense in All Marketers Are Liars, but “a whole new way of doing business?” C’mon.

(And, besides, after seeing a bunch of business plans in the late 90’s, I don’t know how many more “fundamental paradigm shifts” I can take. Of course, that just might be my lumbago acting up.)

Now, to be fair, there were a couple of diamonds in the rough. In particular,

“Some marketers focus so hard on the facts of their offering that they forget to tell a story at all, and then wonder why they’ve failed.” (p. 20, DIR)

is a point that needs to be posted outside the door of every founding CTO whose “grand architectural vision” is incomprehensible and irrelevant (and, ergo, un-saleable) to customers who have real-world issues they are trying to address. Similarly, the points on socially conscious investing and the need for human connection and authenticity are spot on. A couple of faves:

“Personal interaction cuts through all the filters.” (p. 113, DIR)

“Allowing your employees to post an honest blog or to engage in direct instant-messaging conversations with your customers is a way to promote honest communication. If it makes you nervous to do that, maybe you need to worry about authenticity a little more.” (p. 114, DIR)

The points above were the exception, however. In more than a few instances, the book’s advice jarred with a resounding clang. (Think Ethel Merman singing Ave Maria.) You know that sound your car makes when you try to start it when it’s already running? Some of the paragraphs are a lot like that.

The ones that got me the most were the ones that fairly seethed with disregard for the customer. Examples:

“Marketers aren’t liars. They are storytellers. It’s the consumers who are liars.” (p. 15, DFC)

“The lie a consumer tells himself is the nucleus at the center of any successful marketing effort.” (p. 157, DFC)

“It doesn’t really matter whether a story we tell to a consumer is completely factual.” (p. 73, DFC)

“If it’s a good story, if that story is framed in terms of his worldview, then he’ll tell himself the story and believe in the lie.” (p. 73, DFC)


Moving from the emotional to the practical, the challenge with the ephemeral “story” concept is that it is designed to “work” (1) only when things are subjective and (2) primarily when the marketer’s main concern is grabbing the customer for the first time. If the “promises” of a story can be measured and don’t subsequently add up, the chance of building a real, non-synthetic long-term relationship with a customer where the customer becomes part of an community or ecosystem with a vendor is precisely nil. On the other hand, if you’re trying to succeed with yet another twist on yet another retail outlet, or trying to market yet another vacuous, “must have” brand of running shoe or SUV, maybe the story thing will work for you.

Interestingly enough, this short-term mindset seemed to permeate not only the book, but the support around it as well. The book was launched with great hype and (ahem) storytelling, complete with its own supporting blog. The blog was Vibrant! Dynamic! It showed examples of All! The! Lies! that illustrated the points made in the book.

The Liar’s Blog now sits dormant, stagnant since July, 2005. Somehow, that seems fitting.

The Big-Box-O-Annotated-Quotes from All Marketers Are Liars.

“Marketing, apparently, makes wine taste better. Marketing, in the form of an expensive glass and the story that goes with it, has more impact on the taste of wine than oak casks or fancy corks or the rain in June.” (p. 4, GUP)

“Kiehl’s customer’s are measuring the price paid compared to the experience of purchasing and the way that using the product makes them feel, it’s a no-brainer” (p. 12, EE)

“This seems obvious, doesn’t it?” (p. 38, SOO)

“People clump together into common worldviews, and your job is to find a previously undiscovered clump and frame a story for those people.” (p. 38, RW)

“Recently, Brad Anderson, Best Buy’s CEO, discovered that 100 million (about 20 percent) of Best Buy’s customers were actually costing the company money.” (p. 44, GUP, ADD) [ed. – Wait a minute…Best Buy has five hundred million customers? Like, twice the population of the United States? A bit of research shows an original source on this (it appears to be the WSJ, by the way), talks about 500 million customer visits a year. A very different thing altogether.]

“People with worldviews that are private, that are embarrassing to share or that belong to people who don’t like keeping up with the Joneses don’t offer as high a yield to marketers as other, more profitable ones.” (p. 57, SOO, ILT)

“[Ailment*] is caused by a shortage of dopamine.” (p. 68, FOW, ADD) (more here)

“The battle between and Seibel [sic] is a great example.” (p. 82, ADD)

“Seibel [sic], 82-83” (index, ADD)

“It’s time we realized that there may be no more powerful weapon on Earth [than marketing].” (p. 107, EH)

“A resume, a job interview, a date: in all of these cases, when the person you’re dealing with has only a few moments to come to a conclusion about you, insisting on telling them just the facts is a sure way to fail.” (p. 135, GTR)

The Jeff Tweedy Story (p. 147, DIR, ADD – was actually reported in Wired in an interview with Xeni Jardin, and cited by Tim Manners in FastCompany…the implication in All Marketers Are Liars is that Manners did the reporting)

The RBC Story (p. 151, ADD – the market share figures given in the book disagree with the quotes attributed to McLaughlin, who was on the panel with Seth from where this vignette was likely sourced)

ADD: Attention to Detail Disorder
DFC: Disregard For the Customer
DIR: Diamond In the Rough
EE: Experience Economy
EH: Excessive Hyperbole
FOW: Flat-Out Wrong
GTR: Guide to True Romance
GUP: Grand, Unsubstantiated Pronouncement
ILT: Ignores the Long Tail
RW: Reinvention of the Wheel
SOO: Statement Of the Obvious

* – Intentionally omitted here, as this error could erroneously cause this page to be elevated in search rankings based on incorrect information…follow the link for the whole bit.

Listen To The History Of Your Neighborhood

From the Chron:

Hewlett-Packard and KQED teamed up over the weekend to test new technology that allows anyone with an HP iPaq Pocket PC to listen to the history of a neighborhood while taking a walk around that community.

Dubbed “Scape the Hood,” the project was part of the Digital Storytelling Festival at KQED in San Francisco, which ended Monday.

The HP technology, which is being developed by the company’s research lab in Bristol, England, combines mobile technology and Global Positioning System to enable iPaq users to get access to information based on where they are.”

Soundseeing tours, indeed.

Marketing, From The Customer’s Point Of View

Want to come out and connect with others who are thinking about how social media are changing marketing and customer relationships? You may be interested in attending one of the upcoming sessions of How Consumer Controlled Media Is Re-Shaping Your Online Go-To-Market Strategy.

The program is being hosted by the American Marketing Association, and we’ll start out our 3 city tour in Chicago, IL on October 28th.

Who else will be speaking? Check it out…

Podcasting/Video Blogs
Stowe Boyd, President, Corante, Get Real

Bill Flitter, Chief Marketing Officer, Pheedo, Pheedo Blog

Word of Mouth Marketing
Pete Blackshaw, Chief Marketing and Customer Satisfaction Officer, Intelliseek (New York session)
Andy Sernovitz, CEO, Word of Mouth Marketing Association, WOMMA (Chicago session)

Interactive Social Networking
Randal Moss, Project Specialist, American Cancer Society’s Futuring and Innovation Center

Social Networking
Christopher Carfi, Principal, Cerado, and author of The Social Customer Manifesto. (Chicago and Scottsdale sessions)
David Teten, CEO of Nitron Advisors (New York session)

Power Law Structure
Judith T. Meskill, Principal,, Judith Meskill’s Knowledge Notes

Session dates:

  • October 28 – Chicago
  • November 11 – Scottsdale
  • December 2 – New York

More info here, including how to register.

Hope to see you in Chicago, Scottsdale, or New York!


Went to the store with the five-year-old yesterday, with the intention of picking up a scooter. You know, one of the Razor-like things for cruising up and down the sidewalk.

Then we both saw it at the same time. It’s even more gorgeous in person.

(But it’s a friggin’ bike. Nope. It’s a work of art.)

When he insists on riding his bike before school in the morning, you know they did something right. Here’s their site, which keeps the promise intact. And here is the action shot of the little guy tearing up the sidewalk.

I may need one as well.
