Eats, Geeks, and Leaves

Neither rain, nor sleet, nor dark of night could keep the blogger crew from descending on Chaat Cafe last night. Renee Blodgett has a great writeup of the whole shebang, which migrated to Casa de Matt Mullenweg for the post dinner shenanigans (Nicole Lee captures the zeitgeist).

The whole crew*:

Robert Scoble | Steve Gillmor | Steve Sloan | Dori Smith | Farida Paramita | Michael Eakes | Dan Gould | Christopher Carfi | Masha Solorzano | Scott Rafer | Dan Farber | Lisa Canter | Marc Canter | Mimi Canter | Lucy Canter | Lyndon Wong | Ron Lichty | Tom Conrad | Marc Novakowski | Pierre Wolff | Nadeem Bitar | Kaliya Hamlin | Brian Hamlin | Ian Jones | Nicole Lee | Kevin Marks | Thomas Hawk | Neal Drumm | Tony Chang | Zack Rosen | Kieran Lal | Jasmeet Singh | Jason DeFillippo | Ian Kallen | Kevin Burton | Brad Neuberg | Renee Blodgett | Jeff Minard | Om Malik | June Parina | David Sifry | Jonas M Luster | Micah Alpern | eleanor kruszewski | Jim Grisanzio | Tantek Celik | Rebecca Eisenberg | Curtis Smolar | Russell Beattie

* – including Scoble’s jacked-up XFN tags (grin)

2 Replies to “Eats, Geeks, and Leaves”

  1. diary of an “authentic voice” evangelist

    Diary of an “Authentic Voice” Evangelist MONDAY Woke up at 6am. Went online to check out all 2,345 of my RSS feeds. Dave Winer, as usual, made an idiotic statement so I spent the next few hours destroying his…

  2. Geek dinner & Afterparty shenanigans

    I won’t go into too much detail about what happened at Scoble’s geek dinner the other day, but suffice to say, I was quite overwhelmed by the number of attendees. The entire Chaat Cafe was taken over by a plethora…

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