Podcasting For Business

Nope, not podcasting about business (there are great folks doing that here and here and many other places). Podcasting as part of our business. The particulars:

What is Cerado doing?
Extending our competitive intelligence offering, so that it is available via a private podcast to subscribers. Competitive briefings will now be available in a podcast as a companion to existing briefing documents (we’ll continue to provide the briefing documents as well).

Why are we doing it?
Three reasons:

  • Our end customers (usually sales and marketing types) are time-strapped. Even when distilled down, information in document form may…or may not…get reviewed. Delivering this information via MP3 and podcast gives these folks the ability to reduce information overload by listening to the information they need when and where they need it.
  • This enables this information to be readily available for review, as a refresher, when heading out to a meeting.
  • This type of information is particularly time-sensitive, and becomes “stale” very rapidly. Delivering it via podcast enables the most recent updates to be instantly available to everyone who needs them.

For those interested in the podcast process because they’d like to do something similar consider checking out Podcast hosting sites to better facilitate the podcast format to your customers.

Who is going to be using it?
Sales, marketing, product marketing, for the most part.

More about it here. Would love feedback!

4 Replies to “Podcasting For Business”

  1. Podcasting for business

    When podcasting first emerged, my thoughts turned immediately to the applications available to businesses. I was thinking about all those opt-in e-mail newsletters companies provide on their investor relations pages so the financial communit…

  2. Congratulations, Christopher. Brilliant additional way to deliver valuable information to customers that gives them the control on how and when they use that information.

    New uses for podcasts such as you’re doing will also help to raise better awareness of them as another communication channel, one that fits well with and complements existing channels.

  3. Customized Podcasting: Cerado.com starts Podcast Service

    Customised Podcasting is an excellent information tool for businesses and organisations. Paramedia is currently working on related projects and the interest is growing rapidly. The biggest pro is mobility: listen to the info on a MP3 device when and where

  4. The Social Customer Manifesto: Podcasting For Business

    He’s quick to make the distiction between podcasting about business, and podcasting as part of business. This blog entry is, of course about business. With that in mind , this article begins to cover some suggestions about delivery of time-sensitive, …

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