CSL: The List You Don’t Want To Be On

First tripped across Jory Des Jardins through her association with the upcoming BlogHer conference. She’s started a great regular feature, centered around real experiences that customers are having with companies. She describes it thusly:

“I think it’s important for companies to understand the grief and not think I’m some crazy trying to pull together a griping militia. It will also be open to anyone who wants to send me a gripe–with one caveat: I want a story. I want emotion, and DETAILS (‘Microsoft Sux’ won’t cut it). I want to feel your pain.

“Despite my penchant for volume, your anecdote needn’t be long, or well-punctuated for that matter. My objective is to create healthy conversations about products and services”

To date, Jory and her readers have had a few thousand choice words for Michael Dell’s company, in particular. The most recent entry contains a particular saying that needs to be tattooed, in reverse, on the sternum of every person on the planet who makes his or her living in PR or marketing or sales:

“Life is too short to have to deal with people who read from scripts.”

Right on.

(Oh, and Jory…here’s a story for you as well. Check the comments, in particular…)