I See Nothingk!

Forbes does a profile on ten customer-initiated corporate hate sites. Every corporation mentioned was contacted for the article. The responses from a few of the corporations, from the article:

Walmart: “We have seen some corporate complaint sites. We don’t spend a lot of time on them.”

Microsoft: “No comment.”

Verizon: “What’s really pathetic is not Verizon but this sort of lame Web site. In this day and age, anyone with a gripe can put up a Web site and make outrageous claims as the authors of this one did.”

American Express: Did not return repeated phone calls.

I can just hear the spinmeisters now: “Shhh…no…no…just ignore them. They’ll go away…”


(hat tip: jake)

3 Replies to “I See Nothingk!”

  1. is your ip attorney stuck in the sand?

    Is your IP attorney stuck in the sand? You know the type – always too busy to return your call.  Always too busy to sit down with your technical staff and explain legal principles and concepts in an understandable manner.  Alw…

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