Vespa To Launch Corporate Blogs

Article today in the WSJ regarding how Vespa will be launching a corporate blog ($), which will be penned by U.S.-based Vespa owners. According to the article, will have “four bloggers will be selected to regularly contribute content about the products and broader lifestyle topics.”

A couple of salient points:

  • Initial statements seem that the bloggers will be be given relatively free rein — a “code of ethics” to which they will adhere, but it doesn’t appear that Vespa will have editorial control.
  • This is a great application, for the right company. Vespas evoke emotion and passion, and Vespa owners will be apt to build a community around these blogs.

This is similar to the work that was done for Knight Ridder Digital’s That’s Racin’ property, which is home to four racing enthusiast blogs:

(disclosure: Manifesto co-conspirator Lisa Stone worked with KRD on setting up the TR blog network)

Hopefully, Vespa will be emulate what was done here (in freedom-of-expression and clueful-ness, not in content, naturally), and the Vespa blogs will have the same type of authenticity and no-holds-barred direction that KRD has allowed their customers/fans/evangelists to pursue.

2 Replies to “Vespa To Launch Corporate Blogs”

  1. More customer blogs

    Let’s start with the Vespa blogs. Reported in many places including Steve Rubel’s blog (CooperKatz is doing the blogs and PR for Vespa). I am looking forward to these blogs, as I believe the customer evangelist blog has real potential

  2. More customer blogs

    Let’s start with the Vespa blogs. Reported in many places including Steve Rubel’s blog (CooperKatz is doing the blogs and PR for Vespa). I am looking forward to these blogs, as I believe the customer evangelist blog has real potential

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