
While a few select folks are at FooCamp and a few more are at BarCamp, we here at The Social Customer Manifesto are this weekend hosting TikiBarCamp in Half Moon Bay, in preparation for leaving next weekend for that thing in the desert. Here’s the map of our village.

So, in addition to geeking of the normal sort (ya know, sending bits over a wifi connection, making plasma in the microwave, etc.), things we’ll be doing at TikiBarCamp:

Drop us an line if you wanna help! TikiBarCamp is open to all. Flickr photo stream to follow as the weekend progresses, tag: tikibarcamp.

(n.b. Flickr seems to not be indexing the tags right away; direct link to photostream is here)

3 Replies to “TikiBarCamp”

  1. I lived in Reno 8 years, and could not get to Burningman. Now I am in Georgia so will follow you and others on Flickr.

    Good luck and have fun!

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