Amazon Rant

danah: “One of the things that i hate about the whole online vendors thing is that we’ve lost customer service completely. What happened to the customer is always right ethos? What happened to being really conscious of valued customers?”

4 Replies to “Amazon Rant”

  1. Good point. As a consultant in the area of customer service what I have found with IT structured businesses is that they carry a “what do they know” attitude toward their customers. They for the most part aren’t working toward repeat customers. There are exceptions in this of course. And not every company does this all the time. However, I would say that the majority do.

    With over 100 million potential customers online at any particular time, depending on the product or service, they really aren’t focused on service they just want your money. Some what of a sad commentary I would say.

    There is a solution however, for those who really want to do something to get their attention. Try Blogging you disapproval. It brought down Dell Computers and at least 12 other companies that I am aware of. Take away their power and miss used trust and give it back to the people.

    Start with a blog and recruit those who have had the same or some other dissatisfying experience with the same company. Now start blogging every site in view while recruiting others along the way. It is important to remember the ideal of ethics and fairness. If they repent of their wayward attitude and offer a viable solution then negotiate for the benefit of all.

    Power should go to the people; after all they do drive the market place. Now I’m not advocating anarchy here just that people can be smart and proactive consumers. This applies to businesses as well.

  2. I’m curious what exactly he wanted Amazon to do about the problem – he doesn’t really say. He’s at least responsible for expressing what outcome he’d like his email to produce.

  3. ::cough:: _She_ wanted Amazon to investigate the situation and see if there were any patterns in who was receiving this message, if it could be tracked to a source based on the internal knowledge that Amazon has. She wanted something other than a blanket letter saying it was her fault.

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