Customer Servant

From today’s mail bag…

“Hi, Chris:

I work for a company whose business it is to handle things like technical support for large outsourced [customer support] contracts. No, I don’t speak for the company. I’m just a lowly customer servant, trying to bring a little intelligence, and a lot less duplicity and BS to the job.

While I’ll concede that a lot of the people working in customer service are idiots, and thus do their own part to bungle the experience for callers, I’d also like to point out that, in a lot of the cases where we’d like to help, our hands are tied.

If the almighty client says to do something, or not to do something, we have to obey, if we want to keep our jobs. And most of us like to eat on a daily basis, and we’re just trying to avoid being demolished by the client.”

Amanda writes the Customer Servant Blog (tagline: “Bringing a little humanity to customer service”) and is actually thinking about doing a little experiment herself.

I’m going to have the suits sit down at computers with no mice, and scroll through those with their keyboards to find the information they need.