MySpace For The Office

Nice piece from BusinessWeek’s Steve Rosenbush today: MySpace For The Office.

I have a feeling we’re definitely going to see the enterprise social networking market heat up in the next six to twelve months; Visible Path’s $17million in financing mentioned in the article is going to be just the beginning.

Congrats to Antony Brydon and the rest of the team.

Bonus link: A MySpace For Business

5 Replies to “MySpace For The Office”

  1. But is corporate America ready for transparency? What social norms will have to be changed before we see widespread adoptance? I’ve been pondering these issues.

    It’s a fascinating market, no doubt.

  2. That’s the $17million dollar question, isn’t it?

    From our perspective, the market is at various stages of maturity with respect to the transparency issues you mention above. Factors include some structural issues (industry, maturity of organization, etc.), but cultural issues also have a huge influence, which exactly gets at your point.

    It depends on the organization, and the management team that is running it. Business blogging is being implemented in a non-homogeneous fashion across various industries. Enterprise social networking will see a similar path, IMHO.

  3. Christopher

    $17million is a lot of money.

    Companies in the US like Spoke and LinkedIn already exist. They have their brands.

    But if Steve spent an extra 10mins looking further a field he’d have seen companies like have been in this game for 3+ years. Cash-flow positive, with millions of members.

    My point here is; we don’t need yet another player, what we need are standards and partnerships to make this space a better place

  4. Lee, Visible Path isn’t yet-another-player, although some of the press releases seem to give that impression now.
    They’ve been around for years, just as long as Spoke and ZeroDegrees (acquired), joined a little later by Leverage Software.
    These four are different from LinkedIn, OpenBC and any other social networks that are bases on explicitely declared relationship in that they mine communication data (email, IM ..etc) and “discover” such relationships automatically.

  5. how do you get your myspace password if you dont remember it. i have forgoten my password and i cant get in myspace i have tryed everything and i still cant get in to myspace

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