Ask Not What Your Customers Can Do For You…

There are some solid points in this article.  Yet, the overall tone is
a bit offputting; a paean to the "customers are a resource to be mined"
mentality.  Customers need tools of independence and engagement, not a new form of servitude.  From HBS Working Knowledge:

"An organization’s best customers — measured in terms such as size, loyalty, or lifetime value — often are the most willing to go to work for it, whether that means referrals of new customers, ideas for new products or processes, or even help in the selection of its frontline employees.  Of greater significance than satisfaction or even the willingness to recommend the organization to others, these ‘ownership’ behaviors can make some customers more than a hundred times more valuable than others."

(A big thanks to Denise Ryan at Blue Marble Strategic Marketing for the pointer.)

2 Replies to “Ask Not What Your Customers Can Do For You…”

  1. Interesting post by Doc Searls…I was drawn to the opening comments regarding “social…” being a bubble.

    That’s been my concern as well. It seems to me that too many are caught up with the technology and forgetting that successful relationships are personal and that tends to require multi-channel communication.

    I mean, when I look into my wife’s eyes and tell her how much I love her, it means more to her than if I were to Tweet her with the notification of affection. 🙂

  2. I have a question: are we asking too much of our customers for loyalty. Think of the hoops they have to jump through for some of the loyalty programs: an endless number of fobs on their key chain, special cards that record their purchases so they receive something free after 8 or 10 or 15 purchases.

    I was talking to a friend recently who said “if you really value my repeat business then don’t make me do all the work. Remember me. Offer a discount without me having to produce some loyalty card. If I like your service and product than I’ll be back without some gimic.”

    So is there a fine line?

    Deborah Chaddock Brown
    Make or Break Moments

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