DNS Made Skeevy

Sean looks for a little help from DNS Made Easy after he (admittedly) screwed up, and gets clubbed about the head and shoulders with one of the worst bits of customer (ahem) service I’ve heard of.  The note is from "Kate" at DNSMadeEasy to Sean.  An excerpt:

"Wow…. Spent hours trying to help you today. Offered you
a refund even though we have a zero refund policy and this is the
attitude you give me?!?!?!

> 1. an active email account was shut down without trying an alternative
> method of contact. you do have my physical address. for what reason, i’ve no
> idea.

Are you joking me? You expect us to send you personal letters by
mail? For an account of your size? Should we fly to your house also and
knock on your door? Should I call your whole family also and let them
know you are late paying your bill?
Please….  this obviously is not a business for you.

> 2. in this day and age, with moore’s law creating storage
> business models left and right, i’m shocked that you didn’t
> simply put a freeze on the account. my client called me today. if you simply
> froze the account, we would’ve been back in business this afternoon.

It was frozen for 4 days then removed. Not our fault that your
client noticed after it was removed. Not our fault if you give us your
free yahoo account to check your emails. Not our fault you do not check
your free email’s spam box.

Since you made a list for me, here is a list for you.

  1. Don’t use your free yahoo email account for hobby / business. Did
    you tell your friend / client that is why you lost all of their email?
  2. Learn to write down when your services expire. You are lucky we
    gave you over 2 weeks. Most providers shut you down much sooner.
  3. Always pay your bills on time.
  4. Don’t be rude to people that have tried to help you for free…. Eventually no one will try to help you.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions, concerns, or comments regarding this ticket.

DNS Made Easy Sales / Support
[email protected]

Please let us know if our response did not answer your question. To
reply to this ticket you can do so by email (just reply) or by the
support site."

Read the whole thing here.  Unreal.  (N.B.  Please don’t feed the troll in his comments.)

Things I Wonder About:  Did I spell "skeevy" right?  Not sure I’ve every seen it in print before.

LinuxWorld Meetup

  Operating in Privileged Mode
  Originally uploaded by Iggy Wanna.

Our friends over at Open Kernel Labs (OK Labs) just sent in a note that they are firing up some festivities next week at LinuxWorld here in SF.  The details:

"Just a heads up that OK is making a showing at the upcoming LinuxWorld Conference in San Francisco.  On Tuesday August 5th at 4pm the group is headed to ThirstyBear Brew Co. to throw a few back. If there are any hackers out in Northern California that would like to discuss microkernel technology, share ideas or just hang out, come and grab a drink with us at ThirstyBear around 4pm onwards.  For those that don’t know, the bar is at:

ThirstyBear Brewing Company
661 Howard St.
San Francisco, California 94105
Telephone:  415-974-0905

Tim and Gernot will be in their black OK t-shirts and should be pretty easy to find."

(Note that Brenna’s shirt in the pic over there says "I Operate in Privileged Mode."  Actually, here’s a better shot of the shirt.  Geek humor; I love it.  :-))

The OK Labs folks are a blast to hang out with; highly recommended.


Believing that success at Guitar Hero implies any talent with an actual instrument is akin to thinking that success at whiffle ball implies you’ll be able to hit a fastball thrown by a pro at Yankee Stadium.

This analogy may apply in other domains as well.

Contact Lost

Deborah Micek (@CoachDeb) writes:

"I’ve realized it’s more upsetting 2 lose contacts than lose $ money.
Felt disconnected this week 1st losing all contacts on iphone + Twitter"


Do you agree?  Why or why not?

Building Blog and Site Traffic with Content Syndication Session at #Blogher08

I was torn, and actually in the Open Source session at #blogher08, so I missed the Content Syndication session, which was running concurrently.  Luckily, Beth Kanter was live-Twittering it.  Here are the resources she noted.

Thanks, Beth!

BlogHer Conference Ventana Launched


It has been quite the busy week in Cerado-land, as we were supporting the two hottest tickets in town, PSFK and BlogHer, with custom, iPhone-enabled pocket guides.

As PSFK wraps up today, BlogHer kicks off on Friday.  We’re supporting the conference and created a custom VentanaTM that will serve as a mobile-friendly Official Pocket Guide and connect the event with its attendees in real time. 

There are three versions of the BlogHer Pocket Guide available:

The guide offers quick access to…

People – The Network page lets attendees add themselves to the guide  and link to their Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

News– The latest blog posts,  announcements, and comments are the first things you see when you open the Guide.

Agenda – The Agenda page will be updated in real time whenever the conference agenda shifts.

Help – We’ve included a helpful FAQ to help you keep track of everything that’s going on.

The BlogHer ’08 annual conference is like no other — it is the
thrilling diversity of the blogosphere come to life! Featuring
technical labs, educational workshops, intense discussion sessions,
relevant sponsors, speakers from every corner of the blogosphere,
established and new, and plenty of opportunities to network and
socialize. Appropriate for anyone and everyone who’s interested in any
kind of blogging, from the personal to the professional to the

You can learn more about Cerado Ventana at ventana.cerado.com.

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PSFK Now Fits in Your Pocket, iPhone


This year, the PSFK conference is collaborating with Cerado to create a custom VentanaTM that will serve as a mobile-friendly Official Pocket Guide and connect the event with its attendees in real time. 

There are three versions of the PSFK Pocket Guide available:

The guide offers quick access to…

People – The Network page lets attendees add themselves to the guide  and link to their Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

News– The latest blog posts,  announcements, and comments are the first things you see when you open the Guide.

Agenda – The Agenda page will be updated in real time whenever the conference agenda shifts.

Help – We’ve included a helpful FAQ to help you keep track of everything that’s going on.

PSFK is an international
trends-led publishing, events and consultancy business, inspiring
readers, audiences and clients to make things better. The San Francisco
2008 conference will take place July 17th. To reserve your place in the conversation, register now, and get the mobile, iPhone, or blog version of the guide.

You can learn more about Cerado Ventana at ventana.cerado.com.

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