Social Business 2012 Presentation

I’ll be speaking about social business strategy at the ASAE Technology Conference and Expo CIO Summit next week in Washington, DC. There are three key components to the conversation.

1) The Social Engagement Journey

The Journey is the recognizable progression of social engagement capabilities that a large enterprise goes through on its way to becoming a social businesses.


2) The Relationship Progression

While the “purchase funnel” has been well understood for years, there is a comparative dearth of conversation around how business relationships progress over time. A big tip of the hat to Dr. Michael Wu at Lithium and CRM maven Paul Greenberg for spurring the synthesis of these two previously unrelated (at least in my head) ideas.


3) The Social Engagement Matrix

A deep dive on the processes that come into play when customers and brands engage socially, especially when the two parties are at different relative points of view on the relationship.

While those three models are the keystones of the conversation that we’ll be having next week in DC, you can view the entire slideshow below.

Hope to see you in DC!