WSJ: “Blogs Keep Internet Customers Coming Back”

Nice article in the Wall Street Journal (and at least as of today it’s still not behind a pay wall). The salient quotes:

“…blogs with character are seen as more effective than some more traditional online-marketing strategies, such as static, brochurelike Web sites and electronic newsletters that may get blocked by spam filters.”

“Another strategy company blogs use is to engage in direct dialogue with customers by using a ‘comments’ feature that allows visitors to post remarks. While some companies post comments selectively or edit them first — typically to avoid embarrassment or having to write many responses — others let it all hang out.”

“If you slip into PR lingo, you will lose your visitors. They will know it’s not really you.”

“Blogging is one of a wide range of ways that we can connect with people [and] strengthen what I call our handshake with the consumer.”

and the kicker:

“Communication through a blog is ‘as intimate and personal as somebody sitting in your kitchen. It’s a great privilege to be able to have that kind of dialogue.'”

Good piece.

(hat tips: NevOn, Elisa, Scoble)