The New Maelstrom of Social Media

Picture 6 Some thoughts on social media overload over at DestinationCRM.  The lede:

“Is it time to declare email bankruptcy, delete those 1,000 unread messages, issue a public mea culpa, and start over? With an ever-increasing chorus of “overload,” this social media stuff must be irretrievably broken, right?”

Link to article.
PDF of article.

3 Replies to “The New Maelstrom of Social Media”

  1. Before we get busy Tufte-izing the displays, we can look for controls on what’s sent our way and turn off most of it. Facebook ain’t great about that, but even it lets you choose your flavor of overload to a good extent. Better, more granular control (including rules specific to individual users and self-defined groups of users) is an essential start to select what bits need the effective visual treatment.

  2. Filtering is the first thing that came to my mind, too. But, filtering your friends is a good idea, if you can’t even field all of the correspondence they send you.

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