The top five SuperBowl commercials, according to the Swipp community:
(All commercials ranked by their Swipp Index -5 to +5, +5 being the best)
NFL: Leon Sandcastle (+4.0)
Budweiser Clydesdales (+3.9)
Gopro (+3.5)
Dodge Ram: Paul Harvey (+3.4)
Rounding out the top group were Mercedes, Oreo, Audi, Taco Bell and Kia.
Mercedes-Benz: The Devil (+3.2)
Oreo (+3.2)
Audi – Have Fun Tonight – Black Eye (+3.2)
Taco Bell – Live Mas (+3.2)
Kia Forte: Respect The Tech (+3.2)
You can see all the results here: More commentary on how social was integrated into the game here.
In looking through the results, one very interesting one was theĀ Calvin Klein – Concept ad, which came in with a Swipp Index of +1.4, which put it in the middle of the pack. However, and perhaps not surprisingly, we see a pretty significant split down gender lines. The ladies liked it. The dudes, not so much.
The Alex and Ani spot confused the heck out viewers, which was reflected in the commercial’s low Swipp Index (key comments included “Clothing line or jewelry? WTF?” as well as “Wha?” and the ever-telling “?”). Alex and Ani came in at a -2.7.
So, what did you think of the commercials? The SwipperBowl site is still live, if you want to see the rest of the results and share your thoughts.
Fine. But which commercial met its goals? What were those goals? To sell more? To increase customer loyalty?
For example, the commercial that resonates the most with me was the Dodge Farmer commercial. Yet I am no more inclined to buy a Dodge than I was before I saw it.
I am addicted to Oreos. But I am not going to increase or decrease either my loyalty or my purchases due either to the commercial or the on the fly Twitter campaign which resulted from the power failure that everyone thought was so awesome.
Metrics like these (including open rates for email campaigns) will only take you so far. Let’s not lose sight of the overall purpose of these ads which is to drive sales upward.
Glenn, I could not agree more. Having a clear set of goals, and tracking to those goals is what the whole effort should be all about.
Keeps the brands in our minds at a very strategic (and costly) time.