Going With the (Open) Flow

We’ve posted the audio from last week’s Supernova Open Flow call, as well as the transcript from the live parallel IRC web chat:

– Call audio (MP3, 109 minutes):  http://tinyurl.com/639g2g

– Chat transcript: http://tinyurl.com/5hget3

The conversation, featuring Supernova organizer Kevin Werbach, author
and consultant Elliot Maxwell, BT’s Jeremy Ruston, noted technologist
(and Open Flow track chairperson) Tantek Celik, and Chris Carfi of
Cerado, covered an impressive range of topics around the meaning of
openness in business. From standards that emerge bottom-up, to changing
incentive structures in organizations, to the possible links between
openness and tyranny, it was a challenging discussion filled with

We will bring some of the themes from the call into the Open Flow track
at Supernova — along with a visual record of the conversation by
illustrator Eileen Clegg. We welcome your comments at [email protected], or on our Conversation Hub site at http://tinyurl.com/5qgn77.

(crossposted from the ConversationHub)