Yes, It Blends

"In every successful viral campaign there’s at least an ounce or two of
luck, but let’s dismiss that and focus on everything else. What we are
seeing now in online communities is a shift toward humanness. It’s no
longer acceptable to the Internet savvy individuals to interface with a
faceless corporation. Social tools like blogs, messaging services and
community sites have broken down barriers between individuals and also
between brands and consumers."
Jackie Peters

In particular, Jackie was talking about the success of Blendtec, which now has a marketing department that is a profit center, based on the success of their marketing videos on Revver.  (Yes, you read that correctly.)

So…will it blend?

One Reply to “Yes, It Blends”

  1. I’m reminded of the saying, attributed to former Coach Darryl Royal, “Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.”

    Anyone interested in having their ideas go viral should read “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath.



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