More On Where “Social” Fits Between Customer and Vendor

Interesting take on how social media have affected the early stages of a
relationship with a customer.  Slides 8 and 13, in particular, show an
interesting contrast between the "old" way of cramming things down a customer's
throat, vs. at least one view of how that interaction has changed as a result of the fact that we are all significantly better informed as customers before we ever even pick up the phone the first time.

(via Axel Schultze)

Link to presentation

One Reply to “More On Where “Social” Fits Between Customer and Vendor”

  1. Hi Christopher,

    Thanks for putting up this presentation, I was an especially big fan of slide 11. Sales is often seen as hunting instead of farming. That one slide shows that sales is a process which takes continuous communication and planting of seeds within your network. Additional to this it’s about watering the seeds you have already planted. Only once you have effectively built yourself as the person who has contributed to the eco-system, the person who has contributed value to the community can you reap some rewards.

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