“Sony, You Went Wrong With Your PS3…”

Wow. I was simultaneously howling with laughter and cringing for Sony when Paul Greenberg showed me this video last week. It is, to date, perhaps the best example of the cold, hard fact that a company no longer can have a hope of “controlling” its message. Three minutes of scathing commentary from the customer’s perspective on the mis-steps that were made in the go-to-market strategy, the design and the positioning of the PlayStation3.

Click here to view the video. (Seriously, if you haven’t seen it, watch it. It is brilliant.)

Spike has some more thoughts on it here.

4 Replies to ““Sony, You Went Wrong With Your PS3…””

  1. Very good! Thanks for flagging this up 🙂
    It’s looking a bit wobbly for them isn’t it?!

  2. That is brilliant indeed. Shows just how level the playing field is. No agency involved in the production, yet this guy gets his message across in a creative, professional, slick way. Great stuff.

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