Got My Mojo Workin’

Tara Hunt, on some things that contribute to the intangible aspect of being “on” and having your mojo working:

“1. Have a higher purpose. I know I’ve said this before, but it’s essential to mojo to believe in something beyond your own needs.

2. Don’t be a commodity. Commodities don’t have mojo, they compete on price, efficiency and speed. Mojo is terribly inefficient.

3. Work as a team. If your employees aren’t feelin’ it, your customers won’t either. Treat your employees as members of a team. Reward passion.

4. Be part of the customer community you are serving. Use your own product, interact, use competitive products, work to further the industry you are in.

5. Operate on passion, not ambition. Ambition is great for making barrels of money on undercutting and destroying your competition, climbing to the top of the corporate ladder, etc. It ain’t mojo.

6. Give a damn. This is kind of tied to everything else, but people with mojo never have to have “because it’s the better thing to do” explained to them.

7. Commit to excellence. Obsess over details. Experience. Be bothered by one customer’s bad experience. Work hard to do better.

8. Get slow. Ever notice how people with mojo never seem to be rushed or distressed? They seem reflective, introspective, they take their time. Think slow food, slow marketing, etc.

9. Believe in your gut. Stop thinking 100% with your head. Fritz Lang once said, ‘The mediator between head and hands must be the heart!’”

Nice list, Miss Rogue. (Although I do think #5 can be an “and,” not just an “or”…it’s possible to have both passion and ambition simultaneously.)