Create-ivity Study

Microsoft’s Treb Gatte (blog#1 and blog#2-with-a-much-better-name) writes in…

“My personal friend, Dr. Amy Randel, is a Management Science professor at San Diego State University and is conducting research on creativity and drivers of creativity. She is looking for volunteer pairs in the technology industry to fill out a survey in January. Please note, a co-worker will also need to fill out a survey. I volunteered to help spread the word as I see this as an interesting study.

Creativity has not been well studied so you will be greatly expanding what is known about creativity and its contribution in the workplace.

If you are interested in this voluntary exercise, please send an email to the following address: [email protected] A email will be sent to you with the survey link information. This process is being done to validate who is filling in the survey.

Here’s the study overview from Amy.

‘We are conducting a study on types of creativity and drivers of creativity, including motivation and personality. As part of this study, we are looking for participants to complete an anonymous 20-30 minute on-line survey and to have a co-worker complete a short 5 minute on-line survey.

Participants can receive a summary of results (with confidentiality protected) upon request. Participants in this study also will receive the benefit of participating in research on creativity. As recent articles in Business Week and Fortune have described, creativity is an essential ingredient in the global economy. This study will contribute to the small, but building body of research on creativity in the workplace.

The two primary professors working on this study are Amy Randel, Ph.D. (San Diego State University) and Kim Jaussi, Ph.D. (SUNY Binghamton). Both professors regularly publish studies based on survey research in companies.

Data collection for this study is expected in Spring of 2007.

Amy’s bio can be found here: Kim’s bio is here:‘”

Treb, happy to help out.

Bonus create-ivity link: You Keep Using That Word…I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means