TypePad Menus (And Getting Rid Of That Annoying Border)

Have been doing some development work for a business blogging customer of ours, and again need to send out mad props (that’s what the kids these days say, right?) to John T. Unger and his Typepad Hacks site. A treasure trove!

One very useful bit…putting in active menus into the header. Here’s how to do it:

How to add a horizontal menu to a TypePad blog

And other thing…want to get rid of that annoying border around your TypePad blog’s header? One way to do it is to make the “background” of the header graphic a complementary color to the header graphic, like this. However, John pointed out a little trick that can just make the border simply go away. In the Design tab of your blog, you will see a link that says “Edit Custom CSS” (n.b. it looks like you need to be a Pro member to do this). In the Custom CSS frame, simply put this little chunk of code (“edit the height attribute and the background-image: url, of course,” John adds):

/* banner image */

height: 110px;
background-position: 0px 0px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
text-align: left;

Poof! Border-be-gone.

Gracias, hermano!

2 Replies to “TypePad Menus (And Getting Rid Of That Annoying Border)”

  1. Thank you so much for this! I am in the process of switching over to TypePad, and am trying to learn all the ropes. The TypePad Hacks site will come in very handy!

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