Up And Atoms

SSPX0035 SSPX0034

Time for a brief diversion into the tangible world. When one spends most of one’s time being virtual, taking a few moments out every now and then to do something with wood and metal and paint…you know, stuff…is needed to recenter one’s perspective.

On that note, today was the maiden voyage of our current real-world-stuff construction project, a tiny little “teardrop” camper-trailer. After working on it in the off hours for the last couple of weekends and in the evenings, it’s getting close to completion. But, even in its current shape, the Department of Motor Vehicles has deemed it road-worthy, so here it is!

A few more things to do (add a couple of round “porthole” windows, get the back deck locks in place, one more coat of red paint on the curve, etc.), but we’re getting pretty close.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming in the world of ones and zeros.

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