A Trend? I Hope So.

My cynicism in some aspects of humanity has been beaten back this morning, just a little.

  • JP is writing about trust and relationships, and how they are affected, enabled, or hindered by technology.
  • Stowe writes perhaps his most thought-full post ever, and states, beautifully, “Most of the time we tech bloggers never take our eyes off the tech in the foreground to even acknowledge the world behind, forming the background. Today, it’s the context that is dominating my thoughts: the sputtering economy, the world tearing its own throat like a rabid and double-jointed carnivore, the deaths, the bombs, the inexorable heat, the rising costs… and meanwhile a bright and shiny tech culture skips above the surface of that boiling sea of trouble, like a child’s balloon rising above a troubled city: a beacon or a toy?”

  • Grace answers Victoria’s Craigslist ad, and the two jointly create a resource that helped hundreds, maybe thousands, of individuals affected by Hurricane Katrina.

  • Euen notes “Who knows, maybe out of all of these conversations and exchange of ideas that blogging has enabled we will some day tackle the really big stuff. The stuff that matters. How we run ourselves and conduct ourselves in the world. It may not be any one particular group and certainly unlikely to be some sort of “killer app.” but I am more and more confident that the connected worldview that we are fostering is different from what we have experienced before and certainly affords us a new means of expressing ourselves and making our views known. Maybe we will be able to regain some of the ground lost to those who see life as a fight which has to be won and polarise everything into black and white maybe the middle has something to add after all.”

Have a good Sunday, everyone.