New BlogHer Community Launched

In case you are irretrievably out of the loop didn’t see the news, the new BlogHer community launched yesterday, and was ushered in via a fine, fine shindig at the Thirsty Bear.


A couple of things are notable:

  • This is an incredible example of bottom-up creation of something significant. The idea behind BlogHer did not exist twelve months ago. It’s gone from concept to conference to community in just over a year.
  • This is not a walled garden. There are over sixty editors covering every topic imaginable…and they are sending readers out of the BlogHer site to individual blogs. Smart.
  • There are no ruts. For example, I know Toby Bloomberg best for her amazing work at DivaMarketing and our shared work over at the Corante Marketing Hub. Toby is an editor on the BlogHer network…covering Food and Drink.

A great idea, well executed. Nicely done.

2 Replies to “New BlogHer Community Launched”

  1. Hi there – Nice post on the launch party – I probably saw you there but we didn’t speak…

    I just wanted to say it’s nice to see the positivity in your post, especially your bullet point #1.

    Also, I want to emphasise the open nature of the BlogHer site. It is not a gated community, as some casual visitors seem to think. There are a number of strategies and functions Lisa Stone and Laura from PingVision have built into the site to ensure it is far from a “club”.

    Further to this point, I wanted to add that, as a Contributing Editor, while I have been encouraged to blog about blogs on the BlogHer roll, I can write about *any blogs* relevant to my category (Feminism and Gender).

    Also – anybody can upload blogs to the BlogHer roll. (There is a small waiting period, before the site will be approved, as a precaution against spam). See the FAQ for further details.

    Take care,

  2. Thanks for the shoutout and post about the new BlogHer site. It’s fun to explore another ‘village’ in the blogosphere world (in addition to biz and marketing). If you were at the BlogHer party, I’m guessing you must be in the SF area .. please come to BlogHer in July!

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