
Dave: "It was a mistake to believe that creativity was something you could delegate, no matter how much better they were than you, because it’s an important human activity, like breathing, eating, walking, laughing, loving."

It’s Only True If It’s True

John Coate: “Assigning the mantle of ‘community’ to one’s enterprise before-the-fact as a marketing hook just serves to cheapen the term. Because it can only really be true if the people who are actively involved in it, declare for themselves that it is true: we are a community.”

N.B. That sentence was written in 1998. Or earlier.

Big Jump In Feedburner Stats? Here’s Why.

Via Stowe, from Google Now Reporting Subscribers:

“Starting with our Saturday February 17th subscriber reporting, FeedBurner publishers will be able to see how many Google Reader and Google Personalized Homepage subscribers they have. (Thanks, Google!) This information will show up in tonight’s subscriber reports (meaning that most of you will start to see the data on Saturday morning, U.S. Central Time).

What does this mean? This is one more data point to help you understand how many people have asked to receive your feed (aka “subscribers”). For those who are interested in the particulars, the number that Google is reporting is the total number of Google users who’ve subscribed to your feed in Reader or with Personalized Homepage.”

So there ya go.

Everyone’s An Expert (Just Not On Copyright Law)

Originally uploaded by Mark McLaughlin.

Interesting dust-up brewing this morning. In one corner is Seth Godin. In the other? “BNPublishing.” (Whoever they are.)

Apparently, BNPublishing has taken Seth’s free Everyone’s An Expert e-Book, repackaged it, and is now selling it through Amazon, eBay, and one would presume other outlets. A quick dig this morning on the BNPublishing website seems to show their business model as taking non-rights-protected works and packaging them up for easy sale. For example, they are also selling titles such as The Art of War and the like on their site.

The issue: Everyone’s An Expert was released under a CreativeCommons-Attribution-2.5 license, which allows commercial usage.

(There is another license, CreativeCommons-Attribution-NonCommercial-2.5, that precludes commercial usage. But that’s not the license that was used.)

Any experts out there? Are there other aspects (e.g. trademark) that would prevent this?

Not sure, but I think Seth might be out of luck on this one. YAFLE.

(N.B. Not a lawyer, etc.)

Update: MindBlogging has a similar take.