Blog |
Post |
Type |
Summary |
Multiple Mentality |
They’ll Legislate Anything |
Now that the space tourism business is becoming less of a pipe dream and more of a reality, the US government has decided to step in and legislate it. |
Let’s Get Something Straight Between Us! |
How the current administration got the band back together… |
Different River |
The World’s Happiest, Least Appreciated Anniversary |
This past December 31 was the 14th anniversary of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. |
Kicking Over My Traces |
Photographer’s Action Plan for 2006 |
Photographers of all stripes feel put upon by digital technology. One photographer explains how to embrace the new technology and use it, instead of resisting and losing. Do his ideas have application beyond photography? |
Financial Reference |
Irked |
Reasons why hedging your bets may not pay off in the long run. |
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Insider Trading Exam Question |
A stockbroker’s live-in girl friend in an attorney at a big Wall Street law firm. In casual conversation, she tells him about a merger she’s working on. He buys stock in the target and later sells at a profit. Did the attorney/girlfriend commit insider trading? Did the stockbroker/boyfriend? At what point does pillowtalk become illegal insider information? |
InsureBlog |
Buy and Sell, Part 2 |
Conclusion to series on buy-sell agreements. This part explains the mechanics of such arrangements. |
Marketplace Monitor |
GM’s Position in the Dow |
The market value of GM is currently $10.5 billion. Google’s market value is $122 billion. What’s wrong here? |
Blueprint for Financial Prosperity |
Buying A Car On Ebay Series |
Jim has purchased two cars off Ebay and comments on the process. |
The Consumer Electronics Stock Blog |
Palm Treo 700w Launches: Sell-side and Reviewer Responses |
One of the capitalists’ favorite toys just got an upgrade… but it’s not looking so hot for consumers or the company, Palm. |
Seeking Alpha |
Can Sex Sell Online Financial Content? |
Playboy Playmates pick stocks, and you can view their portfolios. If you know what I mean. And I think you do. |
The Entrepreneurial Mind |
The Time is Now for New Thinking on Our Economy |
There is new evidence that we are stifling the entrepreneurial economic expansion with old thinking and out-dated policies. |
Eidelblog |
As union leaders bash Wal-Mart, many union workers shop there |
Over 138 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart each week — including union workers. While union bosses attack Wal-Mart using union money, quite a few union workers don’t seem to mind benefiting from “everyday low prices,” courtesy of an efficient business model. |
Business & Technology Reinvention |
Benchmark Your Parking Lot |
Use your company parking lot to rate your company’s personality. |
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Are Managers Sociopaths? |
Two decades ago, I was part of a 45 member sales team. Whenever there was excess budget, we sales guys, staff and management (also known as “overhead”) were evaluated by outside consultants. We all got the same tests. We were grouped by results. All the cool kids, the normal employees, sat in the front. 57 of them. Laughing and joking and backslapping and happy. In the back of the room were grouped — three quiet odd-balls: a product manager, the CEO and Your Business Blogger. At first I was pleased to have been grouped with the CEO. But… |
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Evaluating Iowa’s Candidates for Governor in 2006 |
A chart depicting the various candidates for Governor in Iowa, illustrating where the various candidates stand on economic and business issues. The temperament of the governor elected in 2006 will influence how Iowa votes in the 2008 Presidential caucuses, so this election has national effects. |
Fire Someone Today |
Everybody hates a winner |
Jack Welch famously said that you should be number one or number two in a category or get out. There is a lot to be said for being number two. |
Searchlight Crusade |
Housing Bubble – News from the Front |
Toil and trouble… |
Personal Finance Advice |
$1 Million In 6 Months |
The owner of million dollar homepage takes is idea a step further by auctioning off the last 10 spots for his site and earning an extra $150k+ |
Blog Business World |
Setbacks: Learn from The RMS Titanic |
The luxury ocean liner Titanic was thought to be unsinkable. In a time of hubris, where the belief that nature could be conquered and anything was possible, the Titanic went to the bottom of the North Atlantic ocean on her fabled maiden voyage. When a business experiences success in the marketplace, often that same sense of invincibility sets into the thinking of management. |
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2006 Guide to the Internet |
A guide to the Web 2.0 bubble-in-the-making. |
Early Riser |
ER Book Review: Heaven on Earth |
Early Riser reviews one of the best books documenting the rise and dramatic fall of Socialism. |
Retail Store Blog |
Customer Service, Dell, Yahoo, Flames and Blogs |
Lessons from the real-world of customer service nightmares and the flames they cause on blogs. |
Sophistpundit |
A Pragmatic Theory of Blogging |
Thoughts on business blogging. |
Political Calculations |
Political Calculations: Automatically Indexing the U.S. Debt Ceiling |
Ironman at Political Calculations adds a twist to the Skeptical Optimist’s proposal to index the U.S.’ National Debt Ceiling by factoring in population growth as well as economic growth. |
Capital Chronicle |
The Man who put ‘mental’ into ‘fundamental’ and other 2006 Investment Tales |
A few of the subplots to bear in mind when considering the consensus that 2006 will be another uplifting chapter of the global growth story. |
Worker Bees Blog |
Seth Godin’s question-Where’s the “None of the Above” option? |
On the definition of marketing, according to Elisa. |
The Liberal Wrong Wing |
Free Trading |
A look into the importance of globalization and free trade in the American economy. |
The Big Picture |
What happens when bloggers get it wrong, but the MSM gets it right? |
Man bites dog! |
Chocolate and Gold Coins |
Why Are They Doing It That Way: The Answer |
This post looks at how Indians approach a simple task – removing sod from a lawn – and why they do it differently than Americans. |
Financial Methods |
How Index Investing Harms Your Portfolio |
Index investors that invest in capitalization-based indexes (like the S&P 500 index, among others) suffer an unavoidable deterioration in performance. |
Daily Dose of Opimism |
Google (& Microsoft), Thy Enemy is Within |
With one great near-monopoly that butters most of its bread, a bunch of lesser, derivative ideas funded by it’s core business, and a big balance sheet, Google, the company most-hyped to become the Microsoft of the future, already sounds a lot like Microsoft right now, only Google’s monopoly is less defensible, and is not being guarded. |
The Common Room |
From Bleeding Heart to Capitalist Pig Babysitter |
How babysitting taught me some business lessons. |
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The IRS is now 0-10 on the telephone tax — and people are starting to not pay it. |
Ten federal courts have now ruled that the federal tax on long-distance telephone service is illegal, bringing $9 billion of tax refunds into sight of taxpayers. The IRS has won zero cases, but is still collecting the tax. |
Crossroads Dispatches |
Thaikea: From Leftover Coffins To DIY Furniture Making |
Making lemonade from lemons is the essence of the resilient entrepreneurial spirit. |
Soccer Dad |
I heard the news today, oh boy |
The radio market in the Balto Wash area is changing. I don’t like it much |
Retire at 30 |
Donations vs. Advertising – Is clicking in our own self interest |
Many savy web users pride themselves on the ability to parse out ads while using the net. I argue that this is not in their self interest. |
Small Business Trends |
Business Trends in Asia Pacific for 2006 |
In this guest post, Wilson Ng gives his forecast of the top ten business trends in the Asia Pacific region for 2006. |
Gold and Electronic Payments |
When will micropayments be a common way of doing financial transactions? Comments on the use of digital currencies like E-gold. |
The Skeptical Optimist |
Let’s end the dangerous “Debt Ceiling” rhetoric |
Here’s a brand new proposal for locking down the USA’s “debt ceiling” — and for ending most of the political grandstanding around that issue. |
Wordlab |
Duomilia Sex |
VIIV is not a product, but a lineup of products. Looks like it’s going to be another good year for names built upon Latin roots, particularly if you’re looking to tap into that lucrative XVIII to XXXV market. |
Roth & Company Tax Update |
The IRS has added a web feature to help you determine if you will owe 2005 alternative minimum tax, but you have to have your regular tax numbers to use it. This post will give you a good idea weather you face AMT by asking you a few simple questions. |
Interested-Participant |
Bank Offers Sharia Compliant Services |
Since Sharia Law prohibits paying or receiving interest, the Ann Arbor-based University Bank has formed a subsidiary which allows Muslims to open accounts where any profits are shared rather than paid as interest. |
Free Money Finance |
Getting Rich is Simpler than You Think |
Wealth is simply a matter if investing a small amount over a long period of time. |