Random geek stuff…just found a sweet little device. It sits between the phone (regular or even cordless) and the computer. It hooks up to your regular phone via the normal phone jack (RJ-11), and hooks up to the computer with a USB port.
So what?
So now I can use the same cordless phone I’ve been using for 3 years to make and recieve Skype calls. Free to other Skype folks, and a couple of pennies a minute to call out to landlines and mobiles.
Just trying it out, but it seems to work great, at least on the outbound side. Sweet.
Breakeven period on the cost? About a week.
My only beef with Skype is that the sound quality can get waffly, even on domestic Skype-to-Skype calls. But hey, that 10 euro balance goes a long, long way.
i got it from these folks:
Skype Your Phone