Bloglines Issues, Workaround

There seem to be some issues this morning with the Bloglines aggregator. Upon logging in, all my subscribed feeds were missing. This is not a good thing.

However, clicking My Feeds > Edit brought the list back. (Note: Clicking My Feeds > Edit and scrolling down gives an option to export subscriptions to an OPML file for backup. Highly recommended.)

Now, it appears that although the feed names are visible, they are not being updated. This is also not a good thing.

Others trying to determine what is going on can be found here:

Technorati – Bloglines
Peter Fleck
Life Hacker
The RSS Blog

Update: It looks like Bloglines is now adding new posts again, but anything that was unread (but not flagged) has been marked as read and is now in the vault of history. C’est la vie…I suppose if a post that’s been missed is important, it’ll show up again in the river of news at some point…


3 Replies to “Bloglines Issues, Workaround”

  1. Hi Christopher: You can recall past posts from your subscriptions using the “display” link at the bottom of each feed on your Bloglines list. Just specify the time boundary you want to call back, click, and you’ll see everything we have in the index for that window.

  2. Hi Cathy…thank you very much for the response! However, the point was missed…BL lost track of the unread posts I had in each feed. So, it wasn’t “all posts from a feed from a certain date,” rather it was just the unread feeds I had. These differ by date, by feed.

  3. Hmmm, yes that is different than I thought. Let me check to see if there’s a fix. Wish I’d realized you were at AlwaysOn–could’ve put you in touch with Mark directly this morning. I’ll see what I can find out.

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