The Social Customer Manifesto Podcast 3FEB2006

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Summary: Leif Chastaine and Christopher Carfi discuss Yahoo’s strategy, Google’s censorship, the remix culture and customer “co-creation” of products, the American Marketing Association’s “Ahead of the Curve” session in Scottsdale, and this week’s RIM/BlackBerry update. (33:06)

Show notes for February 3, 2006

The audio file is available here (MP3, 32MB), or subscribe to our RSS feed to automatically have future shows downloaded to your MP3 player.

00:00 : Intro

01:04 : Yahoo “quits” the search race? Or do they?

09:08 : Google image censorship and strategy

16:30 : The importance of customer “co-creation” of products

27:30 : RIM: “Non-final” judgement regarding BlackBerry is just that

31:45 : Social Networking: Ahead of the Curve (Scottsdale)

32:23 : Wrapup

Dave Taylor (“What do Yahoo, Apple and Ferrari have in common?”), Yahoo quits, Yahoo gives up, Yahoo content to be Google’s footstool, Yahoo gives up race with Google, Steve Rubel, Google image censorship, Paul Greenberg, BPT Partners, customer co-creation, NTP=”No Tenable Patents?”, RIM patent dispute, AMA High Tech Trends in Marketing

2 Replies to “The Social Customer Manifesto Podcast 3FEB2006”

  1. Thanks for the ping/link, despite being falsely lumped in with being one of the people just ‘piling on’ Yahoo. I’ve been buying stock in Yahoo every month for the almost the last year, so I’ve been in their corner not just literally but with my wallet as well.

    I just listened and think you guys missed a big part of the whole Yahoo flareup (although you alluded to the root of the issue with the Wall Street comment) — and so did Dave Taylor who goes off wrongly comparing a specialized car to a search company — big difference. For me, it wasn’t Ms. Decker’s comments by themselves, it was her comments coming on the heels of Terry Semel giving way too much credit to Google.

    As it turns out Yahoo came back and backtracked and stated (via the Yahoo blog) Decker was misunderstood and listed all the things that they’ve done the last 12 months to prove they weren’t quitting.

    Go back and look at the chronology and what both of these people said — and the timing.

  2. I hear what you’re saying, and have re-read the comments made by Qi Lu and Eckart Walther at Yahoo. At the same time, the VERY interesting thing is that the spread of “relevance” between even the “best” and “worst” engines here
    is nearly negligible.

    It’s quite possible the “search engine” as we know it is becoming a commodity, and that new types of search are going to be the true differentiators in this area going forward.

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