It Looks Like Moore’s Law Applies To Personal Hygiene, Too

The Economist writes: “It took a leisurely 70 years after King Gillette invented the safety razor for someone to come up with the idea that twin blades might be—or, at least sell—better. Since then, the pace of change has accelerated, as blade after blade has been added to razors in an attempt to tech-up the “shaving experience”.

For the most cynical shavers, this evolution is mere marketing. Twin blades seemed plausible. Three were a bit unlikely. Four, ridiculous. And five seems beyond the pale.”

Read the whole thing here.

(hat tip: Mike Yamamoto)

One Reply to “It Looks Like Moore’s Law Applies To Personal Hygiene, Too”

  1. SNL did a skit on this years ago when the twin came out. They felt that four was the ridiculous point. In another decade, we’ll have enough blades so that we merely have to nod to be clean shaven.

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