John T. Unger: Artist (& Global Microbrand)

John T. Unger is an artist with a penchant for playing with fire. (Literally. He makes cool metal fire sculptures and lots of other neat stuff.) John writes:

“I’ve been getting quite a lot of press and sales and commission inquiries this winter, from pretty much all over the country. Right now I’m working on drawings for 10-12 sculptures to adorn the courtyard of a 17 story Chelsea highrise in NYC. I’m waiting to hear back from an architect in Topeka, Kansas about three Great Bowls O Fire that he’d like to fit out with gas flames and install on stone pillars in a new restaurant. I just got off the phone with a client who bought a Great Bowl earlier this winter and now wants to surround his pool with some of my torches. Rock on.

I’ve done three interviews for magazines and websites this week. The Sprint Ambassador Program is sending me a free cell phone with six months of free service. School children write emails from overseas asking about my art for school reports they’re doing. HGTV contacted me a while back about possibly featuring my work on their show, Offbeat America (it doesn’t look like it will happen this time, but it’s still pretty cool to be asked). I’ve also met a lot of incredibly cool people this year that I consider to be good friends despite never having seen them in person.

Almost all of this has come about because of the time I’ve put in writing blogs.”

Go John! (And yes, Hugh, you’re right.)

3 Replies to “John T. Unger: Artist (& Global Microbrand)”

  1. john t. unger, artist and global microbrand

    One of John T.’s “Firepits”. Chris Carfi points to John T. Unger, an artist and regular gapingvoid commenter who has used his blg and the global microbrand idea to carve out a nice wee career for himself (for more…

  2. Hey, thanks!

    It’s been so much fun lately as everything spins out of control in a *good* way. heh. It’s been non-stop.

    Stay tuned, there’s some really exciting new stuff coming soon but it’s not quite ready for release yet. I’m hoping it’ll go live within the next week or two.

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