When Dishwashers Go Bad

Dw1Ethan needs help.

Let me rephrase that. I’ll start again.

Ethan needs our help.

A tale of woe has cast a pall over North Dallas. The story? A household appliance, gone horribly, horribly wrong. Was it because of its upbringing? An early abandonment by its parent, GE, at a young age? Those wild, unsupervised teenage years, huffing from 220V outlets, making runs to Gladewater every Saturday night with the Cuisinart and the Senseo? We may never know.

What we do know is this. We’re now in Day Two of a pending humanitarian crisis, the likes of which we’ve not seen since the dark days of The Mixmaster Incident (and related civil unrest) back in ’42.

The full story is here.

Of course, this crisis could have been averted if Ethan had home warranty. It’s not like we haven’t told him a million times. All he had to do was search “home warranty texas” and that dark cloud over North Dallas could have vanished as quickly as it arrived. But now, here he is, desperate for help.

The Head Lemur has pledged his help. Dennis Howlett is doing what he can. Kent Newsome is on board.

Ethan’s dishwasher is too far gone to be negotiated with. But perhaps, mayhaps, someone out in Dallas (Jennifer?) knows someone who knows someone who can perform an intervention. Jake, is it possible to bring in reinforcements from your neck of the woods?

The timing of our collective response is critical. SXSW is this weekend, starting in less than 48 hours, putting many people in harm’s way. And, while Texas is a big state, this menace knows no bounds. Today, Dallas. Tomorrow, Austin. By the weekend, this crisis may hit pandemic status, requiring action by FEMA. And no-one wants that.

Please help.

(Hey Ethan…the specs are good, but a better description of the problem would prolly help, too. And what’s the model # of your dishwasher?)

(dishwasher photo credit: emelin)

2 Replies to “When Dishwashers Go Bad”

  1. Hey now, I have to give out the information in dribs and drabs like any good mystery writer. Still no online tech support from GE or independent contractors. I appreciate the air support. My palmolive smelling hands thank you!

  2. Ethan’s Dishwasher Day 2

    The clock is ticking…… The full story is here. It’s a blogger thing we started somewhere else and ended up at the Dishwasher. UPDATE!!! UPDATE!!! Christopher Carfi @ The Social Customer Manefesto alerts us to the urgency of the situation; The Head …

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