Email: “I’m Not Dead, Yet!”

Yes, RSS and feeds are where things are going. That said, the pragmatic folks over at FeedBurner have enabled enhanced email subscription capabilities for blogs. From Burning Questions:

“It turns out that not everybody is quite ready to ditch the old Inbox just yet. People like to be notified when their favorite publishers have something new posted, but a large audience still finds the familiar setting of email to be the most comfortable and reliable way to receive updates. We initially announced feed-by-email support back in October. Since then, we have been asked by a number of our publishers to integrate our own feed-powered email update service, and we are the kind of people who do what is asked of us, if the question is asked nicely, in lower case, with a minimum of question marks.”

FeedBurner actually has three email delivery options: their own, one via FeedBlitz, and another via Squeet.

A quick test run of the service showed it’s easy to set up, and seems to work as advertised. Good job, FeedBurner people!

You can try it here, if you want.

Enter your email address:

(Email subscription is now a feature of the Social Customer Manifesto sidebar as well.)