Personal Journeys and The Cult Of Paper

Neat collision of a bunch of things happening here. My friend Ron “Chai Guy*” Tetirick is walking the Pacific Crest Trail from end to end, a journey of about 2,650 miles. On foot. Solo.

Dave Gray, who regularly appears in this space, is all about the cult of paper. He even has a hipster PDA.

The neat collision: Ron can’t always post to his blog since he’s, you know, dodging rattlesnakes and bears and stuff. But he’s still keeping a journal. He’s sending the pages to his friend Blue, who is posting them for him on his blog.

(click pages to view Ron’s entry)

Great stuff. And, yes, sometimes paper is better.

* – if you’ve gone to that thing in the desert any time in the last couple of years, Chai is responsible for the “Free Chai Revolution” that takes place near Center Camp.

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