The People ARE The Brand

Three choice tidbits from Mike Manuel’s recent post: “Real Brand Engagement”

“People don’t want to engage with brands, they want to engage with the people behind the brands. ” – Mike Manuel

“Scream marketing fails because, all too often, it is just that, and if we are not in the mood to be screamed at, it fails or – worse – turns us off completely. The most powerful brand relationship is personal but with people who have akin values.” – David Philips

“In an ideal world, the people ARE the brand.” – Jarrett Nixon

Rock on.

(This is why Haystack exists.)

3 Replies to “The People ARE The Brand”

  1. The People Are the Brand

    Christopher Carfi at The Social Customer Manifesto brings us the idea that the people ARE the brand with some nice links. Thanks,

  2. Yes, the brand is a social medium. The use value of social media is primarily that they permitt new and unexpected forms of cooperation, not that they are technically advanced or aestetically refined. Brands are no longer symbols, as much as they are communication and socialization devices. And that’s a big challenge for brnad management. I’ve written some more on this at

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