Thank You, Typepad

The nice folks at TypePad had some very nice things to say, and featured this blog as their “Blog of the Day.” Thanks, y’all!

Socialcustomer“Featured Typepad Blog:
The Social Customer Manifesto

Christopher Carfi is the CEO of Cerado and he’s looking out for customers, and not just his own. He’s interested in the technology and trends that are turning customers into marketers and putting them on the front line between businesses and potential new customers. His site, the Social Customer Manifesto, offers a simple list of customer desires — from "I want to do business with companies that act in a transparent and ethical manner" to (my personal favorite) "I don’t want to do business with idiots." Indeed, if Carfi’s manifesto were to become the expected baseline for business in the 21st century, the consumer world would certainly be a much, much better place. And Carfi knows that it won’t be easy. He spends a lot of time posting about the victories and setbacks for like-minded customers and the smart businesses that are courting them. So if you’re a business blogger looking for smart talk or a fed-up consumer looking for a sympathetic ear, take a minute to read the manifesto. It just might change your outlook.”

Thanks, SixApart. You’re too kind.

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