Business Blogging Quickstart: Anatomy of a Blog

Tuesday morning kicks off the 2007 Social Media & CRM 2.0 Certification Seminar Series here in San Francisco. With over two dozen executives scheduled to attend from organizations such as, NetSuite, SAP, Fleishman-Hillard, Rearden Commerce and many others, we’re looking forward to a great couple of days.

While we wish everyone could attend in person, we know that logistics sometimes conspire otherwise. As such, we’re making a portion of one of the cornerstone modules, Business Blogging Quickstart: Anatomy of a Blog available here. From the description:

“What are the pieces that make up a typical business blog? This example-rich presentation demystifies the components of typical business blogs, including explanations of concepts such as trackbacks, permalinks and RSS.”

Click here to view the slide show.

(And, if you’re not able to make the San Francisco session this week, we do have other opportunities coming up in other cities.)