The Assumptive Open

Although Sean O’Driscoll calls this the assumptive close, it’s really not “closing.” If anything, it’s the opening of new kinds relationships with customers. Sean:

“It essentially goes like this: “You are going to do it anyway. Why do you want to be last?” Users are going to talk about your products, policies, licensing, people, everything! You really don’t get to decide this. The only decision you get to make is whether or not to participate in that conversation. You must also accept the fact that you CANNOT control the conversation. In fact, the harder you try the more impossible it is. So, what I’m saying is that you (your company) are eventually going to get involved in community (it’s not some fad). Stop selling the company on whether or not to engage and tell them that it is a foregone conclusion that they will. You are here to discuss not the “if,” but the when and the how.”

(via Lee)

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