And The Reviews Are Rolling In

Paul Ward was one of the participants in the Social Media and CRM 2.0 workshop that Paul Greenberg and I hosted this week in DC. A snippet:

“Just finished sitting in on a morning session of BPT Partners’ CRM 2.0 Certification program, and I have to say, they’re doing a really good thing with this offering.

OK, so the topic of the day was social networks, about which I’ve done a lot of writing, speaking and — above all — thinking. Chris Carfi of Cerado gave that part of the presentation, and did a fabulous job — a great balance of describing the big sociological and technology shifts businesses should know about as well as specific examples of how social networks are expressed through current technology.”

Full review here.

Thanks, Paul! Was great to meet you in person.

(BTW, we’re doing our next session in May 2007 in Naples, FL…c’mon down!)