Clue Unit #12: A Grab Bag of Topics – April 30, 2007

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Episode 12, about 30 minutes.

Today’s show was a grab bag of cool stuff

  • RSS in Plain English Video
  • Upcoming Product: Pleo, Caleb Chung and the Kickstart Event
  • Huffington Post Moderation Issues
  • Visible Technologies, PR and Bloggers
  • Spam from the American Marketing Assn.
  • Big in Japan’s Egorcast
  • JPG Magazine Giveaway

With Jake McKee, Lee LeFever and Christopher Carfi.

Related Links:

Video: RSS in Plain English
Common Craft Show
Social Media and CRM 2.0 Seminar
KickStart Workshops with KickStand
Ben McConnell Church of the Customer
Sony PS3 Video – How They Blew It
Caleb Chung – inventor of Furby and Pleo (interview )
Ugobe makers of the upcoming Pleo (wikipedia) (blog )
Prey by Michael Crichton (Amazon)
Huffington Post
Visible Technology (Lee’s Post)
American Marketing Association
Ben McConnell – How Not to Pitch Bloggers, part 2
Clue Unit – JPG Magazine Giveaway
EgorCastBig in Japan
Webvisions, Portland, Oregon