Heading To Pittsburgh

Off to Pittsburgh today to speak to the Greater Pittsburgh CIO Group on the topics of social networking for business, business blogging and social media.  Interestingly, was in Pittsburgh last week as well visiting a client.  (That trip was made particularly interesting by the tornado drill in the middle of a meeting that required us to high-tail it down to the basement until the all-clear was sounded about 15min later; that was the same storm that Doc writes so eloquently about here.)  I love visiting the City of Bridges.

So, off to another one of my old stomping grounds for a couple of days. (I went to grad school in the ‘Burgh in the ealy 90’s.)  Seeya there.

One Reply to “Heading To Pittsburgh”

  1. Chris, thanks for the great presentation and the follow-up materials. You really got my sparks flying. I’ve decide to go live with a “lab” to experience blogging as a form of social media. I need to experience before I can evangelize at work. If you have a moment, check out http://www.thedigitalkeyboard.com . It’s early but let me know what you think.

    Thanks again.

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