And she’s just my type!

My friend Susan Mernit just dropped me an email letting me know about the upcoming "She’s Geeky" event, being held in Moutain View, CA on October 22 and 23.

"She’s Geeky (

A Women’s Tech (un)conference
October 22-23 in Mountain View, CA.
This event is designed to bring together women from a range of
technology-focused disciplines who self identify as geeky.  Our goal is
to support skill exchange and learning between women working in diverse
fields and to create a space for networking and talking about issues
faced by women in technology."

More on the event here and here.

Bonus question: Which band/song inspired the title of this post?

3 Replies to “And she’s just my type!”

  1. Oh, can’t resist the bonus question!

    Of course it’s “She’s Crafty” by The Beastie Boys

    And there are some gals who are crafty and geeky organizing the shindig so how perfect.

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