Art & Media Panel (Thurs 13 Sept.), Won’t You Join Me?

Tonight I’ll be participating in an "Arts and Media Discussion Salon" at CELLspace in San Francisco.  Entreprenprovocateur Rachel Hospodar, fresh off a number of great shows and a tour through Maker Faire has pulled together a cast of folks from the art and business communities to address a number of topics.  Rachel:

"This salon is growing out of thoughts I’ve been kicking around about business, the arts, and where the worlds of expression and profit meet.  The nonprofit structure is crucial to a lot of arts, media, and other commercially nonviable projects being able to exist, allowing freedom and legitimacy in seeking funding and assistance.  I’ve worked at a lot of nonprofits, though, and watched too many of them hamstring themselves through a refusal to acknowledge the lessons to be learned from for-profit business – accountability to your audience, a focus on what works, a pragmatic approach to the work itself with a greater focus on the big picture than on specific decisions.

Artists and arts projects changing traditional approaches to marketing & business.  Are artists more likely to build compassionate business models? Innovative business models?"

Sounds a little bit like a global microbrand conversation, eh?

Here’s where the salon is taking place.  Stop on by, won’t you?

2050 Bryant, San Francisco (map)
7:30pm until 10:30pm
Free admission
Free drinks and snacks

Arts and media panels – Discussion and Q&A
Live music – Visual art show

More info here