SXSW09 Panels: Human / Social Issues

This post is one of a series of recommendations arrived at by
going through the entire list of South by Southwest panels that are up
for consideration for 2009.

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SXSW 2009 Panel Recs: Human / Social Issues

Grokking Bloggers: It’s About Love and Underpants
 Elisa Camahort Page, BlogHer inc
"BlogHer’s recent Social Media Study quantified what most developers
and companies already intuited: Blogging is mainstream, addictive and
trusted. Women, in particular, are abandoning other media channels to
get information, and are becoming early adopters of every new Web 2.0
tool. This acquisition of information is only a by-product of acquiring
something more powerful: empowerment. This early adoption of technology
is not about cool-hunting or personal empire expansion: It’s about
love. What does it have to do with Underpants? You’ll have to come find

Why We Love Our Jobs
Pawel Szymcsykowski,
"In the Zappos offices on any given day you’re likely to see people
racing pinewood derby cars, parading in lederhosen or singing karaoke
in the lunch room. Have all the adults left the building? Find out how
Zappos employees manage to be productive while having lots of fun at

Product Management for Humans: What Version Are YOU?
Christine Herron, First Round Capital
"Self-help, self-improvement, self-growth…for the most part, it’s a
bunch of gooey hooey. Cut to the chase! Product and brand managers have
clear, proven techniques for understanding and evolving products,
learning from experience and feedback, and both setting and executing
against a strategic roadmap. Apply them to develop the person that you
want to be. What version are YOU on?"