Community…The Real Deal


I’m just back from the Future of Talent (note: sound) retreat in Tiburon, California, where I facilitated a session entitled Community…The Real Deal.  The retreat is the effort of Kevin Wheeler and his great team at Global Learning Resources.

As always, a huge highlight was the opportunity to work with Eileen Clegg, a visual journalist who creates real-time murals of sessions such as this one.  (N.B. She’s also working on a very, very cool project for O’Reilly Media, chronicling the career of valley legend Doug Engelbart.)

Here’s another version of the mural with all of the details visible.  Click on it to expand.


One Reply to “Community…The Real Deal”

  1. Ah so near, here in Sausalito, I wish I’d known of the retreat. As a Coro Fellow I had the opportunity years ago to see David Sibbet begin his work in graphic facilitation, now flourishing at The Grove. When speaking this year at IABC in N.Y I met 3 people – just in my audience – who are involved in visual support of learning and meetings.

    What a dream if this work could be a topic at IABC in 2009 here in S.F. – and Eileen could play a role.

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